Monday, April 15, 2002

had the most wonderful experience this evening, it was incredible. it wasn’t anything particularly out of the normal, but it was very special. and very powerful. if i didn’t have work to do right now, i would be outdoors. everything touching all my five (or six?) senses was devastatingly beautiful. here, put you in my Vans: blood rushing and skin tingling from two straight hours of piano music with the most musically inspiring woman you know, and stepping out into the night - surprisingly warm and smelling of ... camping. the car drives absolutely liquid on the pavement, and that crazy opera lady shapes words in languages you will never understand. stopping at the red light, the window rolls down and you are genuinely shocked at how brightly dark and clear it is. fascinated, while the light turns green and trucks blare their horns at you. arriving, with the most delicious feeling, smelling, everything... there were patches of fog on march rd., i drove amongst the clouds; it was like being five. somewhat delayed, i remembered to remember to thank Him. its tingly to think of how it will be like when this world is over.

the hour has come for you to wake from your slumber, for our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. the night is nearly over, the day is almost here. so put aside your deeds of darkness and put on the armour of light. romans 13:11-12 [denise and my verse of last week.]


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