Monday, April 10, 2006

psalm 119: daleth

say what? i DONT KNOW. i dont knowwwwww ahhhhhhhhhh i feel half confused. yes that is a quarter confused and quarter frustrated. at myself, that is. the other half is REDICULOUSLY praising God because HE IS SO GOOD and FAITHFUL and i keep seeing that in the people around me and in stories of what He is doing in China. oh crazy crazy madness. my brain is not connected to my mouth, most of the time, but it improves if i practice it over and over again.
Father, I am so nothing before you.
I BELIEVE that i am saved from myself. i AM AM AM AM AM.
break my heart, make my heart as flesh. i know you have already given me this. but I want the Holy Spirit to flow uninhibited, i know there is more.