Monday, April 29, 2002

success! i finally got ftp working on this computer. finally. after a month of trying to figure out what was wrong and d/ling it five times! yay!

Tuesday, April 16, 2002

nightly report: i lay on my deck at dusk. for twenty minutes i let the wind play around my toes and arms and hair ... or rather, it let me sit in on it's fun. i'll spare you my incessant chatter about all this; but i invite you to go outdoors yourself this evening, and you'll know why it is an absolute compulsion to write about it. lovely to savour all for myself, but its something that brings more contentment when shared with someone else. all i could do was whisper prayers ... and they became very alive. real, pulsating meanings.

undeniably, i have what they call spring fever.

Monday, April 15, 2002

had the most wonderful experience this evening, it was incredible. it wasn’t anything particularly out of the normal, but it was very special. and very powerful. if i didn’t have work to do right now, i would be outdoors. everything touching all my five (or six?) senses was devastatingly beautiful. here, put you in my Vans: blood rushing and skin tingling from two straight hours of piano music with the most musically inspiring woman you know, and stepping out into the night - surprisingly warm and smelling of ... camping. the car drives absolutely liquid on the pavement, and that crazy opera lady shapes words in languages you will never understand. stopping at the red light, the window rolls down and you are genuinely shocked at how brightly dark and clear it is. fascinated, while the light turns green and trucks blare their horns at you. arriving, with the most delicious feeling, smelling, everything... there were patches of fog on march rd., i drove amongst the clouds; it was like being five. somewhat delayed, i remembered to remember to thank Him. its tingly to think of how it will be like when this world is over.

the hour has come for you to wake from your slumber, for our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. the night is nearly over, the day is almost here. so put aside your deeds of darkness and put on the armour of light. romans 13:11-12 [denise and my verse of last week.]

tzah-hah! ive finnally recieved my first official email at . horray. exciting event indeed. netcomments is down for a week. *frown* ... if it keeps doing this....



you know you shouldnt have a blog when you dont want to post whats on your mind. school [english] school school. okay now im done. phew. (force of habit: recount my day...

1/ woke at 3am, 5am, and 7am.

2/ decided to give up on eng for the day. lunch date with denise. gorgeous day outdoors.

3/ internet checking compulsions.

4/ taught piano.

5/ have p. lessons again tonight.

i'd say all in all this has been one great day.)

oops got to go. write a real post when i get home.

Saturday, April 13, 2002


kasdfplalagn kal al ka ka !5

karah akrh! kahgrakahr!

feodorae chinopari souyili shejocluna!6

lahguhg digigh alss

lackasada lacahsadee lakahshenae! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!7

im going to go change all your peoples comments now to say "SONJA I LOVE YOU." yes.

checkm out! 8

(p.s.) the numbers are contributed by denise who is beside me. 9

Wednesday, April 10, 2002

i need to post to force it into a scrollbar thing so i can see my scroll bar. harhm....

yesterday i got the best smelling lotions in the world (well probably not) and i cant stop smelling it now. its so nice. one smells kind of sweet tasting, its supposed to help you sleep (?!) ... and the other is a refreshing and cool smell. uh yes i love to talk to myself too. i guess i'll delete al lthese when i finish my site... yes. or i can keep them on as proof of how i really dont have anyhting of use to say ? im at school and ive never ridden in a helicopter before. im the type of person thats scared of heights, but doesnt know it ... until she is up high somewhere. even now im planning to go skydiving one day (if it wasnt so expensive) and use one of those glider things in the air and fly around ... but i'll probably be having a heart attack as i fall. oh well. atleast it happens...! okay this is enough text now. !

Saturday, April 06, 2002

gggggggg kkkkkkk
testing blogger testing all this is sasdflngh aln sdf htha jd lghisbg ldf jb lghw euiglskghlaskdgh gojrhgjs ngo ihdo b giosdgi hjb b olsg hsgh b a lhslghsdghsk bsgudgj bas usojgb asogushg bdug ousgjb sof sotesgb kbjs osl i ail vblie jba js fh bskjgse oidi alhvei haops b naosijfio kla nvhas ii lolvnw hsalogi nas; osaifsl joash ns hsoihaskh asbgiseghsjslo ia ja slihfgb ghi silslai ashjfoasgh asgw a;nsaogsl iashgbngid;jaosfb ls kg si h n gsduyg b soi bs igosdigjb sd oisg ljsd ihs bsug u