Tuesday, November 27, 2001

one two three four school is nothing today i work at five. backlog of piano to catch up on, crazy drivers in parking lots at staples yelling at karen and i. laughing too much. indifferent starbucks barristas. cramps. flourecent lights.

Sunday, November 25, 2001

so my brother and dad are arguing about chemistry, my mother is watching tv and I am trying to read about marxist philosophy for my homework with one finger in my ear trying really hard to drown out all the noise. I cant think! hehe. what I wouldnt do for a computer in my room. ah!

update: so im turning into a spaz. (yay!)… now my mother is still watching tv really loud and there are strange highland music and crowd noises from there… my brother is banging out a song on the piano and my dad is making dumb jokes and comments and generally bothering me… and im still there with my ear(s) covered up and now I have joined into the noisemaking by reading out loud in a very very loud voice. im never going to finish at this rate! can you just picture our household? its always like this. hehe

Saturday, November 24, 2001

my dad is dubbing manderin casettes, and its on really loud ( in the chipmunky tone ) and it has been on for an hour, and my head feels like its about to explode. ouch. work was okay, felt a bit long. but sundays off two weeks in a row is very nice.